Yes, you read that right. Sometimes a sin can draw you closer to Allah. Obviously, I am not implying that sinning is the way to improve your relationship with Him (SWT). All I am saying is that if you feel so distant right now from your creator because of a sin, know that can be the reason for your sincere repentance and returning to Allah(SWT).

We all sin because of our own wrongdoings of course, but because of Allah’s mercy, he guides us back to Him. Do you know that little voice of your conscience that doesn’t stop hammering on your mind while you’re sinning? Yeah, that is a blessing it’s still there.

You see, a sin is like a ball of yarn, the more it’s wrapped in a tight twist, the harder it is to unwrap it. Fortunately, only and only with Allah’s help, you can repent and untie the woven threads of sins, no matter how many.

So don’t let the sin be the reason for your doom, instead turn it around and let it be the reason you came back to Allah.

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